To build a successful organization, hiring the right people is extremely crucial. In his book, “Hiring Right,” Simon Parkin offers a comprehensive guide to aid recruiters and hiring managers attract and retain top talent. Through real-world examples and practical strategies, his book provides a roadmap for creating a competitive advantage in the recruitment process. From building a strong employer brand to creating a positive candidate experience, “Hiring Right” covers all aspects of recruitment. This book is a go-to guide for hiring Managers, Business Leaders, HR Professionals and Recruiters. It presents a model for finding, engaging, closing, and retaining the top candidates and high performers in your market. In a world where many organizations emptily proclaim that people are their greatest asset, this book speaks to the new way of recruiting and hiring great talent that will allow you to turn those platitudes into reality. Whether you’re a seasoned recruiter or just starting out, this book is an essential resource for anyone looking to improve their hiring practices and build a high-performing team.