About Us
Hiring & Recruitment be gratifying

Recruitment is known to be one of the most time consuming and resource-intensive processes, for organizations as well as human resource. The steps passed on from one stakeholder to another makes the talent supply chain sluggish and an expensive affair.

A supply chain of flawless interactions, better analysis, and reduction in wastage of resources. Rewarding collaborations and seamless processes between vendors & client teams is one such way to make the task a delightful journey – a journey of many bounties.


About Preferred Customer Program

Orcapod’s Preferred Customer Program is a step towards making hiring & recruitment more efficient. It is one-of-its-kind reasons to collaborate and make this job more impactful, productive and fun.

 It’s our pursuit to make the talent acquisition supply chain industry respectful, and economical at the same time. With our rewards program, we help get access to the resources that make our clients  smarter and efficient