Energize Your Mind: Learn the Art of Mastering Your Thoughts, Feelings and Emotions


In “Energize Your Mind”, author and leadership coach Dr. Martina Wagner shares practical tips and techniques for mastering your thoughts, feelings, and emotions. With real-life examples and exercises, you will learn how to overcome negative self-talk, manage stress, and create a positive mindset. Whether you’re a recruiter or a job seeker, this book will help you stay focused and energized. 



In “Energize Your Mind”, author and leadership coach Dr. Martina Wagner shares practical tips and techniques for mastering your thoughts, feelings, and emotions. With real-life examples and exercises, you will learn how to overcome negative self-talk, manage stress, and create a positive mindset. Whether you’re a recruiter or a job seeker, this book will help you stay focused and energized. 

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